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비만치료 및 체중 감량에서 방풍통성산과 방기황기탕 사용에 대한 임상 권고안
Clinical practice recommendations for Bangpungtongseong-san (Bofutsusho-san) and Bangkihwangki-tang(Boiogito) in obesity
J Korean Med Obes Res 2012;12:48-58
Published online June 30, 2012
Copyright © 2012 The Society of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research.

Jung-Hyun Park, Ho-Jun Kim*

강남경희한방병원 체형관리센터, *동국대학교 한의과 대학 한방재활의학과
Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, Kangnam Korean Hospital Kyung-Hee University
*Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Guk University


고양시 일산 식사동 동국대 불교 종합병원 한방재활의학과교실.
Tell: 031-961-9099 E-mail :

Received December 12, 2011; Revised December 13, 2011; Accepted December 30, 2011.
These prescribing recommendations have been written to guide clinicians on the appropriate use of Bangpungtongseong-san(BT) and Bangkihwangki-tang(BH) in the treatment of obesity. These recommendation are aimed at providing evidence based information concerning diagnosis and management of obesity.
We collected all relevant references about treatment effect of BT and BH on obesity in the forms of meta-analysis, systematic review, randomized controlled trial, case-control study, observational study and practice guideline from international and domestic databases and paper journals. We examined treatment effect, side effects, recommendations for dose, indication and contraindication of BT and BH.
The treatment effect of BT and BH on obesity has been proved through clinical trial. BT is indicated for obese patients (Body mass index, BMI≥25) with strong abdomen and a tendency to constipation, BH is indicated for obese patients (BMI≥25) with a fair skinned, soft muscled, edematous and sweat easily.
We wish the information contained in theses recommendations will help clinicians reach a reasonable and beneficial decision with evidence-based results. Further studies are strongly needed to develop better treatment strategies for herbal medicines on obesity.
Keywords : clinical practice recommendation, Bangpungtongseong-san(Bofutsusho-san), Bangkihwangki-tang(Boiogito), herbal medicines, obesity

June 2024, 24 (1)
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