Weight Change after Weight Loss Program Using Gamitaeeumjowee-tang for 12 Weeks
Variables | Total (n=53) | Visit (n=32) | Tablet (n=42) |
Reduced weight (kg) | 8.63±4.41 |
8.72±3.35 |
8.37±4.40 |
Weight reduced rate (%) | 8.66±3.80 |
8.74±3.05 |
8.38±3.61 |
Reduced BMI (kg/m2) | 2.79±1.53 |
2.80±1.10 |
2.71±1.54 |
BMI reduced rate (%) | 8.51±3.84 |
8.80±3.35 |
8.25±3.71 |
≥5% weight loss, n (%) | 45 (84.91) | 28 (87.50) | 37 (88.10) |
≥10% weight loss, n (%) | 18 (33.96) | 12 (37.50) | 14 (33.33) |
Data presented as mean (standard deviation) for continuous variables.
BMI: body mass index, Tablet: patients taking the tablet formulation, Visit: patients visited for body composition testing at endpoint.
*P<0.001, paired t-test, †P>0.05, comparison total group and subgroup at endpoint, independent-t test.