Fig. 1. Effect of COME treatment on body weight change, body weight gain, food intake, and food efficiency ratio in high-fat diet-fed C57BL/6 mice. Mice fed with high-fat diet were treated with C OME or GCE b y oral g avage for 8 weeks. ( A) B ody weight were measured every week. (B) Body weight gain. (C) Food intake. (D) Food efficiency ratio. Values are expressed as the meanĀ±SEM (n=8). COME: Cydonia oblonga Miller fruit extract, GCE: Garcinia cambogia extract, CD: control diet, HFD: high-fat diet, H+C: HFD+400 mg/kg body weight/day Cydonia oblonga Miller fruit extract, H+G: HFD+400 mg/kg body weight/day Garcinia cambogia extract, SEM: standard error of the mean. Means without a common letter differ at P<0.05.