Fig. 4. Effect of Cannabis root and stem extract on glucose uptake assessed by relative fluorescence unit of fluorescence intensity in 2-NBDG HepG2 cells. Metformin was used as a reference drug. (A) Results obtained from intact HepG2 cells or (B) HepG2 cells treated with 250 μM palmitic acid or (C) 500 μM palmitic acid. RFU: relative fluorescence unit, Met: metformin, INS: insulin, PA: palmitic acid. *P<0.05 vs non-treated group. †P<0.05, ††P<0.01 vs PA-treated control group (insulin deprived condition). ‡P<0.05 NC without insulin vs NC with insulin. §P<0.05 vs non-treated group. ∥P<0.05, ∥∥P<0.01 vs PA-treated control group (insulin-treated condition).